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Charlie Brimley



I have always been an avid woodworker, but was originally mentored into wood carving back in December 2019 (beginning of the COVID era) by Ed Macies, an active veteran member of the OWC (sadly now deceased).

My educational background as a biologist/physiologist initially focused my carvings on animals (mainly small mammals, birds and fish). Over the last couple of years as an OWC member, I have found that the membership was so open, helpful and social, that I could easily broaden my carving skills and get whatever assistance I required in order to learn new carving techniques, such as pyrography, caricature carving and carving fantasy items out of cottonwood bark.

The one downside (or upside depending on your perspective) of being a biologist is that anatomic details, accurate colours and realistic habitats must be an integral part of anything I decide to take on as a carving project. Don’t get me wrong on this. I thoroughly enjoy going as deep as I can into the detail included in any of my carvings. It just tends to occupy a little more time per project than expected.

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