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4th October 2023 Monthly meeting

Updated: Oct 26, 2023

Wood Wizard entries for the Pumkin Themed Wood Wizard.

  • 1st prize to Charlie for his spooky and original pumpkin

  • 2nd to Sue for her Ghoulish Hoodie characters

  • 3rd to Lois showing a pyrography on paper and one on wood from same source.

  • Honorable Mention to Erich for his carved pumpkin with leaves

thanks to all who brought in their beautiful work, made it difficult to judge!

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  • Charlie brought in a squirrel hiding in a knothole and a Bark house. The little gnome he had carved previously was the finishing touch for the bark house.

  • Lois has been thrifting again! She found leather mask for an exceptionally good price. She also found a Halloween plaque which has the added bonus of being reversible with a Christmas themed pic on the back.

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  • Larry R brought in this lovely Wood Spirit carved in Butternut. The wood grain just brings this to life!

  • Bob G showed us an Antelope that he carved as well as a dish fashioned after a clam shell to prove that he can carve things other than geometrics! Then he showed how he creates templates for his geometric designs from clay, paper, wire... even the middle of a golf ball.

Sue awarding Charlie his belated prize for winning the Peoples' Choice Competition in June 2022.

Then, we all sat down and got to work carving some comfort birds and fiddle sticks which we will donate later this year.

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