Mother Nature and the OWC April meeting seem to be jinxed! Snowfall warnings had been issued, but by afternoon, we decided to go ahead as it looked like the snow would be coming later. 13 brave souls turned up and we carried on. After the business meeting, Wood Wizard, Show & Tell and coffee, we all decided to head out as the snow had begun in earnest.
Wood Wizard
this month's theme was mushrooms, we had 11 entries, not bad from a group of 13! For this reason, we decided to send an email to members with pictures, and let them vote, so here are the pictures and results will be posted later.
Show & Tell
John brought in a nice collection of heads all of which are dated and signed. He had been challenged as he had no females, so he carved one and added it to the collection.
Charlie brought i a completed fishing lure which was an east end project earlier this year.
Conrad brought in a small mushroom which he had bought in New Zealand labelled a 'bush mushroom' uncertain of wood.
Bob G is still tying us in knots with his Borromean rings (a group of 3 rings, all interlinked) each carved from one block of wood. He also brought in 2 spoons, one a Prairie rose carved from lodgepole pine both of which are the flower and tree for Alberta. The other Spoon was a Prairie Crocus carved in white spruce, the flower and tree of Manitoba.
Bob T brought in his completed Dahlia relief carving which was a course this winter led by John B.
Colin brought in 2 Christmas carving which are comprised of 3 layers- the background, mid- section and front. they are carved and painted separately, then assembled.
Erich brought is some different fungi- bracket fungi which he found locally as well as Horse Hoof Polypore, part of which can be used as tinder. He also brought in some info about Otzi the Iceman who was found in the Alps lived 5300 years ago. He had a survival kit with him which included medicinal fungi and tinder fungus. Amazing what we learn thru our carving group!