Wood Wizard- this month's theme was 'Feathers.'
1st place- was Erich's feather mounted in his hat.
2nd place - Charlie's feather in exotic wood
3rd place- Bob T carved and pyro'ed feathers
Honorable mention- Charlie's painted feather
Show & Tell
John brought in a Viking which he has carved and painted, the horns on the helmet were carved from tagua nut. He also had a Morel and an assortment of whistles which was one of the East End Clutch projects.
Sue snuck her whistle in with John's-it's the one on a lanyard.
Mic brought in a delightful little elf which was displayed sitting on the knife he used to carve it with.
Bob G brought in some sample wooden 'Quilt' pieces. He also brought in a pair of penguins, titled 'On the Rocks'- one standing on a rock, the other on an ice cube, also a carved avocado pit.
Note: our year end meeting will consist of piecing together a 'quilt' of 4x4' blocks which will be handed out at the April and May meetings for members to carve or burn on.
Charlie brought in some quilt patterns for the block as well as his Marine carving of a Moray eel and Clown fish.
Conrad brought in 3 fishing lures.
Erich brought in the completed Fisherman's head. A family had donated some tools and wood to the club which had belonged to their mother. She began to carve in her 80's and was carving up until 1week before she died at 95. They asked if someone could complete this head which the mother had started and had numerous plans for (as shown). Erich also submitted a nicer photo in better lighting and will be delivering to the family soon. Thanks Erich- I know this was not an easy task.